November 29, 2016

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Latest November 29, 2016 Quotes

Compliments cost nothing but can make someone feel like a million bucks.

Angela Martinez

Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between you and God.

Rev. Billy Graham

You do not write your life with words… You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.

Patrick Ness, author

God loves you and there is nothing you can do about it.

Susan Griffioen

What I do today is very important because I’m exchanging a day of my life for it.

Lynn Ramthun

So shines a good deed in a weary world.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Faith is what gets you started. Hope is what keeps you going. Love is what brings you to the end.

Mother Angelica

Be strong. You never know who you are inspiring.

Jeremy Chan

A word of encouragement can make the difference between giving up or going on.

Delores Cannon

The greatest joys in life are found not only in what we do and feel, but also in our quiet hopes and labors for others.

Bryant McGill, author

A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

Roma Downey, actress

Making a big life change is scary. But know what’s even scarier? Regret.
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