Jolted Awake!

With my toddler playing beside me, I knew I better not doze off.

I’ve never been one to take a nap in the afternoon, especially because I have two very active sons. I was always too worried that if I didn’t keep a constant eye on them, they might get into trouble.

But one afternoon I was completely exhausted after finishing a long workout at the YMCA. I lay back on the couch, watching my two-year-old playing quietly next to me. I must have dozed off because moments later I was startled awake by a voice loudly saying, “Teresa!”

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Right before I opened my eyes, a flash of fear surged through me. Who’s in my house? I wondered. Did I leave the door unlocked? My husband and I had separated for a short time and I was the only one home to watch over things.

My eyes flew open, only to feel a new fear fill me as I saw my toddler’s little fingers in mid-air, holding a toy only inches away from an electrical outlet. I’d forgotten to cover it after unplugging the fan!

I scrambled off the couch and scooped up my son. My heart raced as I held my little one close, grateful to the voice that had woken me at just that instant.

I never did find out where that voice came from, but I knew then and am still sure today that it was no stranger. I take comfort in knowing that help is very near, that even if I’m home alone with my sons, I’m not the only one watching over them.

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