Every Day Inspiration

Guideposts Facebook fans share their daily spiritual rituals and tell us how they keep hope and faith at the center of their lives.

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We asked our Facebook fans: What inspirational or spiritual thing do you do each day? We learned two things. First, that there are a lot of you out there that have a daily ritual, habit or practice that brings you peace. And you’re willing to share it. There were so many great ideas, we thought we’d shout them out so that others might find inspiration and create a ritual for themselves.

The number one daily spiritual practice was, of course, prayer. Or as Jennifer Wilson Dean DeBoer enthusiastically put it: “Pray, pray, pray!!!” Just like our readers, though, daily prayers come in all shapes and sizes. 

Bernadette Haderlein says, “I pray a rosary everyday and remember all my loved ones and those who asked for prayer requests,” while Elaine Shults-Payne gets quality time with her husband each morning as they pray. For Estella Beard, prayer is good to the last drop. Of coffee, that is. She thanks God for each new day, and keeps praying until her morning cup of brew is empty.

Is your morning stressful? David DeWeese has a great alternative to the rushed morning routine: “Make a worry list, turn it into a prayer list, then pray!” But for Karen Ragan Davis, prayer isn’t just for morning. She recommends “Pray not just every day but through the day!”

We can just imagine how Cynthia Powers’ daily morning prayer must invigorate her: “Perfect God within me, perfect life within me which is God, come forth into expression through me as that which I am, lead me ever into the paths of perfection and cause me to see only the good!”

Many readers find daily comfort in recognizing blessings. Amelia Walzberg Smith praises God for the ocean she’s lucky enough to view and Charlene Cohn gives thanks for her food. Teresa Flathers wakes each morning giving thanks to the Lord “for without him, my world would be dark and dreary.”

For other readers, like Marcia Shanesy, it’s a long list of thanks, while Michelle Moir Sandstrom keeps it simple: “I look at the clouds in the sky and appreciate the beauty of God’s earth.”

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More Soul-Nourishing Rituals
Reading Bible verses or devotionals is also a daily ritual that many undertake. Carm Russell has read Daily Guideposts each day since her college days. “I love the simplicity of it,” she says. Becky Swanson Schaffner says she just started to read Psalm 91 each day at the same time a young soldier is reading it at his duty station.

Others find their daily inspirational practice in the natural world. Cathy Pardun watches the sunrise.

Janet Harper listens to gospel on her way to work. Elizabeth Ann Pofahl has this meditative prescription: “Sit quietly, listen and try not to think about anything.”

The most original ritual came from Tina Howerth, who uses… Post-It notes: “I have sayings on Post-It notes ALL OVER the house, mirrors, computer, car, fridge saying Thank you God for Today ~ I am BLESSED.”

This is why we love Facebook; it gives us the chance to read and share our readers’ great ideas. If you have an idea or topic for our Facebook community, please share it!

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