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Thank You For Guideposts

The magazine’s executive editor thanks specific people for getting him to Guideposts.

Rick Hamlin

This is really a long overdue thank-you.

When I was growing up, Mom left all our magazines on a bench at the top of the stairs. Saturday mornings we kids were supposed to do our chores. My jobs were to empty the wastebaskets and sweep the patio, yet somehow I found myself gravitating to that bench, wastebaskets in hand, and lingering…over one magazine in particular, Guideposts. We got a gift subscription every Christmas from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Pete.

I’d pick up the latest issue and soon I was lost in it. Maybe it was a story from someone famous—like Peggy Fleming, Dick van Dyke or Bart Starr. But I was just as likely to be captivated by the story of a kid lost in the wilderness or a car plunging into a river.

“What are you doing?” Mom would ask, coming to find me.

“Reading,” I’d say innocently enough. Well, it was true, I did read every issue cover to cover.

In my twenties, I was barely making a living as a freelance writer. Then I remembered Guideposts. Maybe I should send in a story, I thought. I had always heard about submitting to magazines: “Know what they like.” Not only did I know what they liked at Guideposts, but I liked what they knew.

My story was rejected, but not without an invitation to try again. And again. (Persistence was something I appreciated from reading Guideposts stories.) Eventually I got published and then was asked to join the staff. A job at Guideposts? Doing what I love? I couldn’t have felt more blessed. As you can see, I’m still here…and still loving what I do.

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

So thank you, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Pete, for that gift subscription. It launched my career!

And as Mom could tell you, those chores eventually did get done.

View a slide show of Rick’s favorite Guideposts covers.

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