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Guideposts Readers Get Creative!

January is Creativity Month! Guideposts Facebook fans told us about the projects they’re working on.

Knitting yarn and needles

Because January has been designated Creativity Month, we asked our Facebook fans what projects they’re working on. Here are some of the answers we received. Perhaps their responses will get your creative juices flowing!

Writing from the Heart
Seems several readers are inspired to put pen to paper and let the prose flow. We’re hoping Dolores Miller gives us a sneak peak at her work soon. She’s tackling not only a book of letters but also a play. We also love the ambition of Mel Finefrock. She recently dusted off a novel that she began during junior or senior year, but had no time for in college. “I don’t know how it will go, but it’s worth the try,” she writes. Other projects include reflective poetry and songwriting.

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Family Framework
Family inspires many of our readers to get creative. Amber Meredith-Davis is painting pictures for her baby’s nursery. What’s not to love about the positive thinking behind Angela Lyn Martinez‘s idea? She’s writing all her favorite positive quotes in a journal to pass on to her son. Arvetta Gardner Parrish is super busy. She’s finishing an afghan for her daughter, a heart rug for a friend, salvation dolls for her Women on a Mission group at church plus more.

Happy Home-making
Many of us have a personal goal to be more organized. Take Debi Frazier. She’s figuring out creative storage for a house that desperately needs it! For Nomi Seastead Rotondo, it’s about creating room not for stuff, but for her and her husband. After welcoming two dads into their home the couple needs room for solitude. “God is granting me grace to be patient, but we do need a place to hide!” she says. Debbie Ball Nania is really committing to creative pursuits, painting and re-doing a studio/creative space. Good luck, ladies!

Time to Commit
We all know how tough it can be to make time for creativity. So we applaud readers like Maritza Zapata who started a beading project. And June Richardson Bovenzi who recently made herself a new apron. Her goal this year is to complete several unfinished quilts. “I love starting a new project but finishing is hard. I’m determined to ‘start’ finishing!” she declares. Dana Apple is tenacious, too. She’s converting her poetry book, All That’s Lightness, to desktop publishing form and getting it on Kindle; learning how to use her video editing program for two upcoming projects; and committing to writing each day.

What’s your project for January? Comment below!

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