An Angelic Rescue

It was only a small gasoline spill, but something told her she needed to call the fire department.

An Angelic Rescue

Angie and Andy L. were thrilled about being homeowners in Kansas City, and determined to learn all the skills needed to keep their “palace” in great condition. 

A few days after Andy was away on a business trip, Angie noticed that the lawn needed cutting.  Wouldn’t Andy be pleased if he came home and found the task done?  Angie thought. She’d never operated a lawn mower, but how hard could it be? 

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Going out to the garage, she grabbed the gas can and poured gasoline into the mower, just as she had watched Andy do. Unfortunately, she spilled some on the garage floor. 

She cleaned it up as best she could, but now…where to put the soaked rags?  And did she get enough up so it would be safe to start her car, or would it ignite?  What if Andy drove into the garage over the spill?  This was getting complicated.

Since Angie hadn’t met any of her neighbors yet she felt too foolish to ask them for help, so she phoned her grandmother in Fort Wayne, Indiana, for advice. Her grandmother, Ilean Park, was not a gasoline expert either. 

“Call the fire department, and ask them,” she suggested.

“Gram, I’d be embarrassed,” said Angie. “What if they came with the sirens and the lights…”

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“What if they didn’t, and a fire started?” Ilean countered. Angie agreed.

The firefighters came quietly, reassured Angie that she’d done the right thing, and finished her cleanup.  While they were there, one suggested they check the air quality in her new home.  Angie agreed.

The firemen were in the basement for what seemed like a long time.  When they finally came upstairs, their faces were solemn. 

“It’s a very good thing we were here,” one told Angie.  “You have a severe carbon monoxide leak.  We’ve already called your builder and he’s on his way.”

“Carbon monoxide?”  Angie was stunned.

The fireman nodded.  “God works in mysterious ways,” he told her.  “You might have died here alone.”

It was a gift from heaven, Angie and Andrew agreed later, when all was calm again.  For who would have anticipated anything like this occurring in a brand new house? 

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Angie’s grandmother knows who to thank. Says Ilean, “I am convinced that Angie’s guardian angel was involved.”

Download your FREE ebook, Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Heavenly Angels and Everyday Angels on Earth

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