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Walking with Angels

Out of nowhere, a guardian angel saves a mother and daughter from danger.

illustration of two women walking with an angel

Mom and I always relied on one another. I worked at fast food, but before and after my shifts she served me the best home-cooked breakfast and dinner a girl could want. Plus she gave expert foot rubs, which came in handy. But most of all I looked forward to our evening walks.

One evening we walked down the road to the first major intersection. “Look both ways before you cross,” Mom said.

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“Always the mother hen,” I said. Always trying to take care of me. Just like I’m always trying to take care of her. Lord, I wish we had someone to take care of both of us.

There weren’t any cars coming, so we stepped into the crosswalk. Halfway across the street I heard screeching wheels. A late-model sedan was barreling right for us! There was no time to run. “Jesus,” I mumbled, braced for impact.

That’s when I felt them: two strong hands on my upper arms. The car was so close I could make out specks of dirt on the shiny front grille. But the second before the collision I was lifted up into the air. I felt a rush of wind as the car passed me. Somehow I had been lifted out of harm’s way just in time.

The next thing I knew I was sitting on the sidewalk across the street, the cool concrete under my palms. Mom! I expected to see her lying injured in the road. But she wasn’t there. Mom sat a few feet away from me. “Are you all right?” she asked.

“Yes,” I said. “How are you?”

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Mom sat up straight, and took a big stretch. “I feel fine, thanks to that man,” she said.

“What man?” I asked.

“The man who picked me up and carried me over here just as the front of that car brushed passed me. How on earth did you get out of the way in time?”

“The man who helped you must have had a friend.”

We looked around in either direction for our saviors, but there was no one in sight. I was unsure about exactly what had happened, but I’d never felt so cared for, so safe and secure, either. Maybe there was someone else Mom and I could rely on.

Times are easier now. Mom and I still take our evening walk. And our angels walk with us.

Download your FREE ebook, Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Heavenly Angels and Everyday Angels on Earth

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