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Everyday Angels to the Rescue

An ailing editor-in-chief is relieved when her angelic colleagues pick up the slack.

Colleen Hughes, editor-in-chief, Angels on Earth

Deadlines are everything in the magazine business. That’s why I nearly hit the panic button when I was too sick to come in and close this issue. Who would oversee our final corrections and color work? And how could I ever write my editor’s note at home under the covers? But there was no way I was leaving the house.

From bed I made my first call: Nancy Galya, our administrative manager. “Feel better,” she said. “I’ll tell the Angels staff.” That was a big help, but I had to call my boss, Edward Grinnan, myself. I moved to the sofa and turned on my laptop.

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Edward and I traded ideas about what I might write my editor’s note about, but I couldn’t seem to focus. Nothing felt right working from my quiet den. “I know you like to be at your desk, people in and out, all the activity going on around you,” Edward said. “But you’re going to have to improvise. You can talk to your readers from anywhere, even in your pj’s.”

I wasn’t good at improvising! I checked my e-mail. Three in a row from the Angels editors, Meg, Tanya and Kelly, all assuring me the issue was in good shape. “I’m giving it another proofread for good measure!” Kelly said. “All our authors are happy with their pieces,” Tanya wrote. And Meg was already looking at stories for the next issue.

Doug rang in from the art department: “The online video is ready to go!” Audrey and Olga sent a preview of the cover. A beautiful Easter angel filled my screen. She had wings but made me think of all the angels hard at work at the office, even when I couldn’t be, so that we could give you another issue of the best angel magazine there is.

I rearranged the sofa pillows and got on that editor’s note of mine. Turns out, it was easy to improvise when angels were everywhere. I guess they work from home too.


Download your FREE ebook, Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Heavenly Angels and Everyday Angels on Earth.

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