What Prayer Can Do: Roadside Assistance

A motorcyclist caught in a storm benefits from some unexpected heavenly guidance.

Richard Wingate

High school was behind me. Up ahead open road. Some may think 18 is too young to travel cross country alone on a motorcycle, but I never lacked for self-confidence. That and my strong faith would see me through just about any situation, I figured.

One day I set up my tent at a campground in Yellowstone National Park and went out to explore. I rode all day. I even met some guys my age. That evening I had dinner with them at their campsite, which was several miles away from mine.

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

We had a great time telling stories, trying to one-up each other as the sun went down. Finally one of them said, “You’d better get moving if you want to beat the storm that’s coming.”

“No problem,” I scoffed as I put on my helmet. “I won’t even get wet. See y’all in the morning.”

I wasn’t expecting this storm until much later, and I had left my raingear back in my tent. As soon as I hit the road I knew how wrong I had been.

Fat raindrops stung my face. I threw on a pair of sunglasses to shield my eyes. The road was pitch black. I could just barely make out the taillights of a car up ahead of me. My ticket back to my campsite. I’ll just follow his lights, I thought.

But suddenly the car turned off the road, leaving me all alone in the dark.

extraordinary women of the bible

My bike bobbed and weaved as I struggled to stay on the bumpy road. I became disoriented and the terrain got even more dangerous. Rain pelted down, lightning flashed and my confidence crumbled. I needed help.

I stopped my bike, bowed my head and prayed. Dear Lord, I can’t take care of this on my own. I need you. Now.

I heard a sound behind me. A car was coming down the empty road. I decided to follow it. A few times I worried that I would lose it, but each time, the car slowed down so that I could catch up. The driver led me safely back to my tent then continued on down the road.

He must be staying at the same campsite, I thought. I’ve got to thank him in the morning. But just a moment later the car turned around and drove back the way it had come.

I never got a chance to thank that driver in person. But I gave plenty of thanks to the One who sent him to me.


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