A Child’s Prayers to Jesus

Devotional writer Erin Keeley Marshall shares a surprising faith lesson she learned from listening to her daughter’s prayers.

Erin Keeley Marshall, Author of Mornings with Jesus

“Hallelujah! Praise God from heaven, praise Him from the mountaintops; Praise Him…!” Psalm 148:1 (MSG)

A child’s prayers have to be some of the sweetest words ever spoken. In recent months my two-year-old daughter Calianne has begun to add her prayers at mealtimes and bedtime. Just as her dad and I have enjoyed listening to her older brother talk to God, we love the privilege of witnessing her communicate with her friend Jesus.

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Two reasons I love her prayers are 1) they come straight from her heart—whatever is topmost in her thoughts, and 2) they’re all about giving thanks.  She’s typically eager to pray, and she usually says something like this:

“Tanks you, Jesus, for pink fire trucks and for Daddy and Mama and Paxton-boy. And tanks you, Jesus, for doggies and yogurt and mine cozy bed. Amen—Go get it!”

I adore the “Go get it!” she adds to the end. We have no idea where she heard it; she said it came from her head. Knowing her, it probably did. Anyway, because her prayers are loaded with thanksgiving instead of requests, the “Go get it!” isn’t a demand that Jesus do her beckoning. It’s more like she’s cheering Him on and praising Him: “You go, Jesus! You’re the best!” My children inspire me to be simple before Jesus, to praise Him with my first thoughts, to cheer Him on for being Him—for being my victorious Savior, attentive Friend, holy Lord and mighty King.

The unhindered, childlike approach to faith that Jesus spoke of in Luke 18:16–17 shows itself in how we communicate with Him. Let’s bless Him with prayers of trust-filled praise. Go get it!

Faith step: What typically characterizes your prayers? Praise? Requests? Complaints? Thanksgiving? Desperation? Trust? Offer it all to Him, paying special attention to praise and give thanks.

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