The Glorious Light of Christ

Sometimes our lives may feel mundane, routine, unexciting. Yet by Jesus' light, the simple and ordinary becomes sacred.

Devotional writer, Sharon Hinck

"For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV)

This morning my husband and I went to a local museum. We quickly made our way to our favorite rooms with the Impressionist paintings. Each time we visit, a different work of art captures my attention.

This time I stared at a painting Monet did of a wheat stack—an autumn sunrise as the mist cleared. He painted a whole series of the same subject in different seasons and times of day, showing the way light transformed his subject. As a friend described it to me, Monet wasn’t actually painting wheat stacks, he was painting light.

This specific work of art glowed with the light of sunrise, bringing glorious beauty to a simple subject. Light had the power to turn a pile of wheat in a bare field into something transcendent and alive with color and vibrancy.

Our lives may feel like an unassuming haystack. Mundane, routine, unexciting. Yet when the light of Christ shines on us, we are transformed. The simple and ordinary becomes sacred. Each season, each time of day, is flooded with unique beauty and grace and possibility.

Faith step: Spend time outside today noticing the way light reveals, enhances, and transforms. Ask Jesus to shine in your heart, and clear away anything that interferes with the glow of His light.


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