Improve Your Spiritual Vision

At her yearly eye exam, Mornings with Jesus devotional writer, Susanna Foth Aughtmon, reflects on her spiritual vision.

Spiritual vision

“But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” Matthew 13:16 NIV

This morning I was at the optometrist’s office getting fitted with new contacts. This appointment came on the heels of the realization that I was guessing the names of streets instead of reading them as I would drive by. James Street? Jones Street? Jackson Street? Your guess is as good as mine.

daily bible

Clearly, my old prescription wasn’t cutting it any longer. At this point, without the aid of glasses or contacts, I am in need of a Seeing Eye dog or at least a small child to fetch and carry for me at all times. My vision is something I take seriously. If I can’t see properly, I can be a danger to someone else or to myself, especially if I am squinting and trying to make out road signage.

Sometimes I forget that my “spiritual” vision is just as important or even more so. I can tend to let pride or self-righteousness cloud my vision which is beyond dangerous in Jesus’ eyes. He often called the Pharisees “blind guides.” Not the best nick name for someone who thought they were trying to follow God and lead others along that path. I need to see things how Jesus sees things, to understand His words, get caught up in the excitement of who He is and the path that He has for me.

When we take Jesus at His word and submerge ourselves in His grace, our eyes are refocused, renewed and filled with the light of who He is. We are filled with a new sense of clarity about what is important and the hope of what Jesus can do in our lives when we see things the way He does.

Faith step: Take a moment to ask Jesus for “new” eyes. Eyes that are open to seeing what He wants you to see and show you where He wants you to go today.


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