Daily Devotion: Turn Gripes to Gratitude

A simple shift in perspective can help you turn your burdens to blessings.

Sharon Hinck, Contributing Author Mornings with Jesus

Do all things without complaining and disputing. —Philippians 2:14

I arrived at church for a planning meeting with two toddlers in tow. In the narthex, one broke free and ran off, while the other clung to my legs, whining.

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Pastor Miller came out to greet us with a warm smile. “How are you today?”

I huffed a strand of bangs out of my eyes and winced against a growing headache. “The kids are running me ragged.”

His eyes twinkled. “But isn’t it wonderful that they can? How difficult to be a parent with a child too ill to run and play.” I absorbed that new perspective.

So many of the challenges I complained about were only in my life because of much greater blessings. Could I shift my focus to them and spend a little less time on the complaining?

In the coming days, it became a bit of a contest for me. Each time I heard myself protest about something, I looked for the blessing I was missing. The car stalled out on a cold morning, but that problem only existed because we had a car and didn’t need to take a bus to work.

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My calendar stressed me out with a packed schedule, but it was a gift that we all had the health to participate in so many events. My husband had to work late, but the fact that he had a job was a blessing. Piles of laundry, dishes to wash and bathrooms to clean were no longer a reason to complain but a chance to thank God for the bounty in my life.

Heavenly Father, thank You for all the gifts You’ve poured into my life. When my day feels difficult, help me notice the blessing behind the challenge and turn my complaints into praise.

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