Daily Devotion: God’s Post-it Notes

A devotion to help you recognize God's messages of love and encouragement.

Daily Devotion: God's Post-it Notes

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made…. Romans 1:20

My friend Kathi leaves Post-it notes around her house for her husband to find. On his bathroom mirror, she’ll leave “Hey, Good Lookin’!” Or on the seat of his car, she’ll say, “I’m so proud to have a husband who works so hard every day.” Or on the kitchen table, she’ll say, “I love spending time with you—you always make me laugh.” These Post-it notes are much more than simple words of encouragement; they’re tangible reminders of how much he is loved and cared for.

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On a much grander scale, God leaves us little Post-its. The sticky-armed hug that my daughter Kate just gave me? Post-it: I love you with a perfect love, My child.

The shimmering full moon that blazed through my bedroom window last night? Post-it: Find joy in the beauty of life; I made this world for you.

The whisper of peace that just settled over my heart when my day seemed too daunting to handle? Post-it: You can do all things, because I will give you strength.

The verse that I just stumbled upon in my Bible which seemed written just for me at this moment? Post-it: I know what you need, and I’ve given you everything you need to live fully and wholly.

Post-it: God made me. God understands me. God loves me.

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Lord, thank You for constantly reminding me of how big, how wide and how powerful Your love is.

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