A Match Made in Heaven

In this excerpt from Daily Guideposts 2014, a dog longing to play with kids and a family looking for canine companionship are brought together.

Edward Grinnan and Millie

For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord; I sing for joy at
what your hands have done.—Psalm 92:4

My golden retriever, Millie, and I were walking home from the dog park, where Millie socialized for a bit but mostly sat sedately next to me on a bench while I read.

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At five, Millie doesn’t play as rambunctiously as she once did. She has a few select friends whom she will cavort with, but her inner puppy rarely emerges anymore.

Except when we pass Clement Clarke Moore Park, which is teeming with children. There is nothing my dog loves more than kids. She gives me a plaintive look as if to ask, “Can we go inside and have some real fun?” There is a sign, though, that says the park is only for kids and their parents or guardians. No dogs allowed.

I gently tug on her leash. She is reluctant to go, dawdling and glancing longingly over her shoulder, her tail drooping. Lord, I wonder, do dogs know that they break our hearts?

“Sir? Excuse me, sir?” A woman stood at the park’s gate, pushing a baby in a stroller trailed by two older kids. She waved at me. “Can my kids say hello to your dog?”

Before I could answer, Millie was on the move, prancing and pulling me back. First she said hello to the baby, giving it a kiss, her tail flying. Then she bumped up against the older kids, letting them hug and pet her, all the while with an ecstatic look on her face.

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Finally the woman maneuvered her kids back into the park. “Thanks,” she said, “they really wanted to see a dog today.”

Thank You, Lord, for giving us what we need, even a maturing golden retriever whose inner puppy still wants to play.


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