Prayers Anwered, No Waiting

When a cancer patient asks for divine guidance in handling her hair loss, a reassuring response comes promptly.

A woman seen from behind getting a short haircut

Hair loss might sound like a small problem when you’ve just been diagnosed with cancer. But as I sat in front of my bedroom mirror, it seemed like the most important thing in the world. The doctor had warned me my hair would fall out during treatment.

Should I cut it all off now? Cut it short? Hold on to it as long as I can? Even though my hair was sparse and baby fine it was important to me. “Dear God,” I said, “please help me know what I should do.”

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No sooner had I finished the prayer than the phone rang.

“Karen Ranen?” said a kind-sounding voice. “I’m your nurse case manager.”

“My what?”

“I’m here to help you go through your treatment. Is there anything I can help you with today?”

I didn’t know what to say. I’d no idea I’d been assigned my very own case manager.

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“Can you please help me decide what to do about my hair?”

The nurse listened as I outlined the possibilities. She gave alternatives. We discussed the pros and cons of each one. As we talked through my options the choice became clearer to me. As soon as I hung up I dialed my salon.

An hour later I walked out with a bandana covering my now super-short hair. I knew I had more challenges ahead, but my cut was a first step. If God could answer my “hair prayer” so quickly, I knew he’d be there for all my other prayers as well.


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