Daily Devotion: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

Does your “Hosanna” turn quickly to “Jesus, what are You doing?” when crises hit?
A stained glass window depicting Jesus as a shepherd during his triumphal entry

And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” Matthew 21:9

When I read the Triumphal Entry story, I wondered where the angels were. We’re not told. Can we assume they were somewhere in the heavenly audience that day?

Angels played key roles in the significant moments of the life of Jesus. To Mary, an angel announced the results of the celestial pregnancy test. An angel visited Joseph to tell him everything was going to be all right. Angels filled the sky the night Jesus was born. An angel warned Joseph and Mary to flee to Egypt.

We know the rest of the Palm Sunday story–that within days of the hosannas, the crowd turned ugly, demanding His crucifixion. We know that after the crucifixion and death of Jesus, angels stood guard over His tomb and announced to the women who came to give Him a proper funeral that it wasn’t necessary. Jesus had conquered death. The tomb was empty.

I wonder if the Palm Sunday hosannas rang hollow in the ears of the heavenly host who’d witnessed His incarnation, His birth, His ministry. I wonder if they clasped hands or huddled or even rested their hands on the hilt of their swords during the Palm Sunday chaos.

How much had God let them know ahead of time? Did they know the celebration would be short-lived, but that God Himself through His Son was about to put new meaning to the term long-lived? On that day when He makes all things clear, I wonder if Jesus will let me know that detail.

Faith step: Does your “Hosanna” turn quickly to “Jesus, what are You doing?” when crises hit? I’m aiming for sustained hosannas in my life. How about you?


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