Wake Up to Jesus’ Love

It is a beautiful thing to be known and loved.

Wake Up to Jesus' Love

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 1 John 3:1

This morning our youngest, Addison, came and crawled up in bed in between Scott and me. Hunkering down in the warm slip of space between us, he positioned his chilly feet perfectly on the backs of my calves, and his breathing began to settle into a sleepy rhythm. Once my legs rewarmed themselves, I fell back asleep too.

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The cool of the room and the heaviness of covers can do that to you. I awoke to feel a small finger tracing the lines of my face. Over each eye. The slope of my nose. The dip above my lip. And finally, a flat palm laid against the warmth of my cheek


Addie finished tracing my face and rolled over for his dad to snuggle him. It was a moment of affection that warmed me from the inside out.

It is a beautiful thing to be known and loved. I try to think about how Jesus loves us so much, and I still can’t wrap my mind around it. He has known us intimately since we were crafted in our mothers’ bellies and even in our failures and imperfections. He has lavished His love and forgiveness on us at every turn.

Jesus chases us down with His incomprehensible grace and mercy and fills us with His Holy Spirit as we follow Him on this journey of life. There is no way to repay such an extravagant gift. All we can really do in response is love Him back. It is good to know that that is what He wants most of all.

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Faith step: Write a love note to Jesus. Remind Him of all the things you love about Him and how He has changed your life with His incomprehensible love.


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