The Collector: Shining Wings of Joy

She'd long dreamed of owning an angel pendant, but could she justify the expense?

Tanya's winged pendant

What did you do on your lunch break today?” my coworker, Doug, asked one afternoon.

“I went to visit my necklace,” I said. Okay, it wasn’t really mine. I’d spotted it in the window of a jewelry store by our office: a pendant with colorful stones and silver wings. It looked like an angel, and I’d been visiting it at lunchtime. I must have looked so silly staring into the jewelry case, but never asking one of the salespeople if I could try anything on.

“Why don’t you buy it?” Doug asked.

“It’s only jewelry,” I said. “I don’t need it.” I wasn’t a teenager anymore. I had to be practical with my money.

“But think about how much pleasure it will give you to wear it every day,” he said. “If you calculate that out over time, it will be worth the investment.”

He had a point. The next week on payday, I decided to treat myself to a special present. The following morning I was up and dressed a little earlier than usual. I just couldn’t wait to put on my necklace. All that day I caught myself smiling about it. And to think I hadn’t thought it was practical!

That necklace was the start of a whole collection: earrings, necklaces, broaches, rings and bracelets of all kinds. Most didn’t cost much at all but each one makes me smile more, because the more beauty I can squeeze into my life the happier I am. It’s no coincidence that the idea for my jewelry collection started with an angel—or two, if you count my inspired coworker.

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