See Jesus in Your Daily Life

The Bible promises that those who search for Him with all of their hearts will find Him.

Heart shape cloud on an amazing sunset.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV)

My daughter Grace, 13, has a unique way of seeing Jesus in daily life. The other day she showed me how the marshmallows lined up on top of her hot chocolate to form a cross. She delights in such things as a lighted cross on a hillside when we are driving on the interstate at night.

daily bible

For her these things are glimpses of Jesus, evidence that He is personally involved in the details of her days. I have a couple of friends at work who are like this as well.

One told me a story of how she was having a bad morning, nothing going right in her home or at the office. She looked down to see two rubber bands on the floor in the shape of a cross, and it reminded her Jesus was with her. She was able to find peace and carry on, hope restored.

I think I must be the meanest person alive when people tell me things like this. Because even though I would never show outward disrespect, inwardly I’m a doubter. I suppose it’s because I never see Jesus this way.

And if it wasn’t my own sweet beautiful daughter sharing her heart with me, or a dear friend at work, I’d think it was crazy. I’d be tempted to judge. And I’d be wrong.

The Bible promises that those who search for Him with all of their hearts will find Him. And whether He aligns marshmallows or rubber bands for our benefit is really not the point.

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The point is the heart. Is my heart soft enough to see Jesus in a sunset? To feel His love in the kiss of the wind on my face? Is my office door open to Him? If I judge these things as nutty, I’m the one who is missing out.

Faith Step: Pray this with me: “Lord Jesus, I want to see You wherever You choose to reveal Yourself. Give me an open heart to recognize You wherever You are in my day.”

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