A Beautiful Jesus-Moment

I was convinced, once again, that our Savior loves to love us uniquely.

A Gift from Jesus

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. James 1:17 (NIV)

My friend Marian loves a great deal. If there’s a yard sale in the area, she arranges her Saturday morning to fit it in.

Today she stopped by and treated me to a Jesus-moment when I was convinced, once again, that our Savior loves to love us uniquely.

“Have I told you about my bushes?” she asked. I responded no, so she told me about two small bushes in her yard that had died. She looked for replacements but couldn’t find the same variety anywhere, and she didn’t know its name. She figured she’d just remove the dead ones and plant something else or leave two empty spots among the other identical bushes.

Well, one day while running errands, she drove by her bushes lying at the roadside. Not her bushes exactly, but two of the same kind, roots and all. Yep. Just sitting there looking abandoned and forlorn (drama and all).

She pulled up to the house and rang the doorbell. The owners said, “Sure, go ahead and take them. We’re redoing our landscape and getting rid of those.”

Marian has big faith that trusts when Jesus shows up. If there ever was doubt whether Jesus cares about the smallest—even fairly insignificant—desires of our hearts, this story ought to ring with promise. Two rare bushes just like the two my friend needed.

extraordinary women of the bible

The added gift was that they were free, a sweet bonus that spoke personally to my frugal friend’s heart. Jesus knows what matters to you. Thank Him today for the gifts of love He may send when you’re least expecting them.

Faith Step: Why not begin a remembrance garden in a corner of your yard? Start with one rock and ask Jesus to grow your garden of faith. Add a rock to it each time He shows you He sees you and knows your heart.

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