A Little Lost Angel Cat

God wants me to do something, I thought. But what?

Illustration of a white cat with glowing eyes

Pulling into the church parking lot for my evening Bible study class, I said a prayer of thanks that I arrived safely in the wet and windy weather. I sat for a minute with my key in the ignition, waiting for a break in the rain.

Up ahead, my headlights illuminated a pair of glowing eyes in the shrubs. When I got out of the car, a small white cat followed me to the church. “Where do you belong, Sweetie?” I asked.

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She didn’t look like a stray, but there was no collar around her neck. I was tempted to put her in my car, but with five rescue cats at home already I couldn’t possibly take in one more.

“Hey, did you notice a kitty outside?” I asked my friend Cindy when I got inside.

“Yes,” Cindy said. “Poor little thing.”

All through Bible study my mind wandered to the kitten. At one point, I didn’t think I could sit still for another second. God wants me to do something, I thought. But what? My eyes fell on the bookmark in Cindy’s Bible: an image of a little white cat.

“You’re taking that kitten home tonight,” I whispered to her.

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“Uh, I don’t know about that,” Cindy said.

But I knew I was right. “If it doesn’t work out, I’ll find the cat a home.” Cindy was as much of a cat lover as me. She couldn’t say no.

Minutes after I arrived home, Cindy called. “You’ll never believe it,” she said. “My daughter has a friend at the house, and she recognized the cat. It ran away two days ago, and the owners live a few miles from church. Now we can bring her back!”

The best part? The kitty’s name was Angel.

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