Someone Cares: A Box of Love

Her friend’s thoughtful gift helped feed her children and reduced her stress.

An illustration of a box that reads Care on top; Illustration by Coco Masuda

I cradled my newborn baby and tried to help my three older children with their distance learning. Because of the pandemic, they were home all the time—and I was exhausted. My son looked up from his computer screen. I already knew what he was going to say. “Mom, can I have a snack?” he asked. The other two also chimed in. Keeping the kids fed and the house clean was a never ending job, and I was desperate for a break.

That afternoon, I posted on social media about how worn out I was. The next day, a friend called and said, “I’m leaving a box on your porch.”

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I opened the box. Whoa! It was filled with kid-friendly snacks and even a few prepared dinners. All I had to do was pop them in the oven. I felt my stress level go down several notches.

My friend’s gift meant so much. In answer to my post, she figured out how to help me in a tangible way, instead of just scrolling past or clicking “like.” That box of snacks felt more like a box of love.

Learn more about Someone Cares greeting cards!

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