A Nudge from the Holy Spirit

Act on the subtle prompts in your life.

A bolt of lighning over a body of water; Getty Images

After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:12 (NIV)

Our friends had just gotten a new fishing boat and invited us on an outing. The forecast was sketchy: storms would be skirting our fishing grounds throughout the day. We delayed our departure, hoping it would clear but ended up heading out in the overcast weather. Our native Floridian hosts weren’t concerned, even as we passed boats heading into shore. Florida’s weather is notoriously erratic, but life goes on.

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I’m not a nervous Nellie, but I prayed before we left and kept a close eye on the storm radar app, a common practice down here. We soon dropped anchor, and the guys cast their lines while we ladies chatted. Not getting any bites, we paused for lunch, then moved farther out to a nearby islet where another boat bobbed in the mildly choppy waves.

My phone’s weather alert pinged overly cautious warnings that I mentally ran by Jesus. But the sky didn’t change, so we stayed put, relaxed. This went on for a while. Then I sensed a little quickening. Nothing had changed, but I just knew it was time to go. I told the captain and indulging me, he promptly made for port.

Just as we set foot on land, there was a crash of thunder. We scurried to the marina hut and crossed the threshold just as the skies opened. I never once felt afraid. I thanked Jesus for keeping us safe.

I’m learning to discern and obey these subtle prompts that have awesome results.

Faith Step: Next time you feel a little nudge from the Holy Spirit, act on it and note the results.

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