Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Accept God’s enduring love and let go of what others might think.

Gardening tools and rubber boots; Getty Images

Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:26 (NIV)

I grabbed my computer bag and dashed out the door. I had a two-hour work window because my son Jake offered to watch our new pup, Ody. I had already played with him, fed him, and walked him a few times.

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I didn’t have the chance to shower, but I had dressed semiprofessionally for my meeting at a coffee shop. As I walked in to order my coffee, I realized I had been in such a hurry, I forgot to change my shoes. I was still wearing my rubber, neon colored, mud covered gardening shoes I wore to tromp around the yard in the dewy morning grass as I coaxed the pup to do his business.

Trying to act calm and collected, I stood at the counter and ordered my cappuccino. Embarrassed by my bright shoes, I wondered what the woman I was meeting would think of my shoe choice. I could easily explain it, but why did I care so much? Then, I had a brave thought. What if I don’t say anything? Recently, I had been learning I put too much value on what others think about me. I know Jesus doesn’t care about what we wear, where we live, or what degrees we hold. He simply loves us. Here was a chance to practice accepting His love and letting go of what someone else might think. So, I didn’t say a word. After she left, I glanced at my muddy shoes and thought, Uh-oh, that might not be mud. I smiled and thanked Jesus for loving me no matter what.

Faith Step: Today, if you’re tempted to say something to impress someone else, practice not saying it and remind yourself of God’s enduring love.

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