My Verse for the New Year

What new things does Jesus have planned for you this year?

Devotion for  the New Year

I, yes, I alone am he who blots away your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again. Isaiah 43:25 (TLB)

One  of  my  favorite  verses  to  meditate  on  for  New  Year’s  Day  is Isaiah 43:19: “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?” (NLT). These words fill me with excitement the same way hanging a new calendar on the wall does. A  new  year  stretches  ahead  with  new  experiences  and  adventures,  new  friends  to  make,  and  fresh  opportunities  to  serve  Christ  and  grow to be more like Him. But cleaning out my pantry last week helped me understand that before we can embrace the new, we may need to get rid of some of the old.

extraordinary women of the bible

To make room for the beautiful ceramic baking dishes I’d bought, I threw out old plastic storage containers that had cracked or missing  lids.  I  tossed  canned  and  boxed  foods  that  had  passed  their  expiration  dates.  I  pared  down  our  collection  of  travel  mugs  and  tumblers to the ones we actually use. Next week I plan to look over the bookcases in our house and pull out a few volumes to give away, making space for the reference books I just ordered.

Before we make plans for the new year ahead, we would do well to engage in some serious self-evaluation to see what we need to get rid of. Habits that compromise our walk with Christ. Doubts that keep us from using our gifts to fully serve Him. And especially guilt and  regret  over  past  failures  and  sins.  Just  a  few  verses  after  God  promises to do new things, we see His promise to not only forgive our sins when we repent, but never think about them again. And neither should we.

Faith Step: Ask Jesus to show you what you need to throw out so you can fully receive the new things He has planned for you this year.

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