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Do You Have the Winter Doldrums?

Why you need to perservere through the winter by exercising.

As predicted many of the good intentioned patrons of our local gym have begun slacking off in attendance. As I pondered some of the reasons why so many people have quit before they’ve even gotten off to a good start, I’ve come to a conclusion in addition to the most logical one of not seeing success quick enough; it may just be the winter blues.

When I began my journey last spring the weather was absolutely beautiful. Theresa encouraged me to walk outside praising God for all He’s created and done for me, and I felt it was easy to do with the weather so picturesque. 

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As my walks increased to a love for running, I found exercising outdoors uplifting and invigorating. Now with the winter months set in, my joy of exercising has come to a screeching halt. No longer do I look forward to going outside and running three miles as I once did. Instead I find it drudgery to have to go to the gym and run on the treadmill.

The few occasions that I ran inside during the warmer months was not that bad; but this day in, day out of exercising inside caused by the constant rain and cold that we’ve been experiencing recently has made exercising feel like a chore. 

Even though I consider it drudgery now, I still continue to exercise five to six days per week for about an hour each day. I know I must keep up the training in order to remain fit. I am committed to this new lifestyle, and I know that brighter and warmer days will come. Additionally, I am committed to reaching the rest of my goals.

Sometimes our spiritual lives may be much the same way. Just as we may not feel like exercising, at times we may not feel like reading God’s word. Exercising helps our muscles grow stronger much in the same way that reading God’s word helps our spiritual lives grow stronger. Luke 8:18 says, “Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.” If we cease to exercise we will lose muscle and grow weak and flabby; and if we cease to read God’s word our spiritual lives will grow weak. 

We never know when we may need our “muscles” to work, whether it is physical muscles or spiritual ones. So even if you are also experiencing the winter doldrums just as I am, I implore you to continue exercising physically and spiritually so when that bright and sunshiny day comes we will be strong enough and ready to do the job set before us.

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