Thinking About Angels

What would the world feel like if we acted more like heavenly angels every day?

No words in the English language give more pause than: “I’ve been thinking.” But I have been thinking lately about angels—and why we aren’t more grateful for the blessings poured on us.

Angels are messengers of God. Their business is to watch over us, guarding, guiding, loving, caring—because being a human is hard. We can’t do it alone.

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I have folders filled with stories of how angels come to us: in dreams and accidents, serendipitous coincidence (how hard these must be to orchestrate), as animals (especially dogs), as other humans, and sometimes you yourself will act as an angel, unexpectedly saying just what another person needs to hear. 

Sometimes the angel comes in its own radiant and exquisite form, and then you are swept away by awe. They may be large or small, male or female, with wings or without. They are formed of light—and the amazing thing: they always say the same thing. They always say, Don’t be afraid. Fear not! We’re taking care of things. And then they do.

Unlike humans, angels can utter only words of love, praise, kindness, thanks.

I’ve been wondering: What would the world feel like if we acted more like angels every day? What would happen if one full day we uttered only words of praise, joy, kindness, generosity, recognition, thanks?  

Download your free ebook, Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Heavenly Angels and Everyday Angels on Earth.

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