Daily Inspiration from Angels

Be inspired to open your eyes to the presence of angels in places you never thought to look.

I just got a glimpse of the Angels on Earth Daily Planner 2012. It’s everything you want in a date book.

Well, it’s everything I want in a date book, that’s for sure. Space to write in appointments (like my teenage daughter’s constant orthodontia appointments) and dates I can’t afford to forget (like magazine deadlines).

But life is more full than that. The decorative pages make keeping life organized more relaxing, and an uplifting quote starts each day right. Best of all, the touching stories of angelic encounters will comfort you and reassure you that we are watched over, guided, protected. All day, every day. And to prove it, the Planner features amazing photographs taken by ordinary people who have paused to notice the extraordinary.

Be inspired to open your eyes to the presence of angels in places you never thought to look. Jot down your own angelic experiences as the year goes on and you’ll wind up with your own keepsake diary of everyday miracles in your life. But don’t wait until the new year to send in your angel story or your photograph of an angel sighting. The time to start celebrating the angels in our lives is always now.

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