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A Hopeful Ending to a Long Week

Where there is nothing else to do but pray, prayer is what usually takes charge of the situation.

Guideposts Editor-in-Chief Edward Grinnan and his dog, Millie

Another week over, another long week. But all is well. And that’s what matters.

This week has been particularly trying. We’ve had to make some critical decisions here at work, involving our board of directors and top executives. These were not easy decisions or ones that everyone necessarily agreed about. There was a lot of give and take, a lot of debate and disagreement. But there was also a lot of honesty, and that helped people with opinions that were miles apart remain close as colleagues. No one had to shout because people were willing to listen. People wanted to be fair as much as they wanted to be right.

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In the end we reached compromise where unanimity could not be achieved, agreement when people were willing to appreciate the other side’s point of view. By today we were happy with the work we’d done and grateful we had reached a point where we could all move forward.

I’m also sure it helps that we pray about our decisions at Guideposts before we make them.

And then there’s what happens when I get home.

Last night, after a long, long day, I staggered into the apartment to find my wife, Julee, and our Golden Retriever, Millie, sitting defiantly in the middle of our bed.

“Edward, if you don’t do something about the racket that’s being caused by the renovations on this building, we’re both going to have a nervous breakdown.”

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Millie sat a bit more upright, as if expressing agreement and solidarity.

Right. What could I say? What could I do? It’s a New York apartment building undergoing some much needed albeit cacophonous repairs. As long as the landlord had a permit and operated during the hours set by the city, there wasn’t a thing I could do.

“You’re not here during the day so you don’t know how horrible it is.”

Julee and Millie followed me into the kitchen.

“Promise me you’ll do something, Edward. Promise!”

“OK. I promise.”

I didn’t lie. I did what I always do when there’s nothing else to do: I prayed. In fact I prayed myself to sleep, about a lot of things, including some of the major work issues we resolved earlier today. But at the top of the list was a plea for Millie and Julee to have some peace and quiet.

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Late this afternoon Julee called.

“They’re making a bigger commotion than ever!” she shouted through the phone over the din in the background and Millie’s baritone barking.

I held the phone away from my ear. I had no idea what to say.

“Why?” I finally asked.

All at once, Julee laughed.

“They’re taking the scaffolding down,” she cried.  “All of it. It looks like they’re done… for now. No more jackhammers!”

That little phrase “for now” reminds me that my troubles are not totally over. They never are, really. Some other challenge will come down the line, or some other conflict or setback. And where there is nothing else to do but pray, prayer is what usually takes charge of the situation.

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So how was your week? Post below please. I’d love to hear from you. And if you need a little boost of inspiration after your own trying week, pick up a copy of The Promise of Hope: How True Stories of Hope and Inspiration Saved My Life and How They Can Transform Yours.

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A Journey of FaitH

Embark on a moving journey of faith as Edward Grinnan, Guideposts’ Editor-in-Chief, shares his inspiring memoir on navigating his mother’s Alzheimer’s and conquering his own fear. A blessing for those facing trials.

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