Well Done Prayer

The ultimate goal, at the end of my life, is to hear from Jesus, “Well done.”

Prayer blogger Peola Hicks

His lord said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” (Matthew 25:21)

What do you think of when you hear “well done”? I am not much of a steak person, but whenever I am out for dinner with family or friends, I order it well done. My husband says that takes away from the tenderness and flavor of the meat. But when it comes to matters of faithfulness, “well done” is always the best choice.

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Faithfulness is an important quality in a servant of God, as is being dependable and helping others consistently as a matter of principle. Jesus said that servanthood is tantamount to greatness in his kingdom. I think about how good I feel when taking care of my mom. She sometimes thinks that she is a bother, but I try to explain to her that it is my pleasure. At the end of her journey in life, I hope she can say that I served her well.

The ultimate goal, at the end of my life, is to hear from Jesus, “Well done.” I pray that I will have served him well in the assignments I was given. I pray that whenever I feel that the task is too big, I ask him for help and never quit. I pray now and ask for a servant’s heart with those I lead in ministry.

My prayer point is to challenge you to have the heart of a servant in all that you do. It may seem like the lowest place, but Jesus considers it to be a great place. Pray for your few assignments from God and be faithful to those.

God bless you!

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