How to Make an Inspirational Facebook News Feed

Tired of logging in to angry opinions and vapid statuses? You’re not alone. Get inspired instead.

Mysterious Ways blogger Adam Hunter

My Facebook news feed is starting to bring me down.

I don’t know about you, but for every cuddly cat picture and inspirational quote that pops up, I also see a half-dozen posts from well-meaning but… well, opinionated friends. Vaccines: The Secret Killer! The Hidden Truth About Obama! Just Say No to Processed Cheese! Then there are the news stories about troubling current events: school shootings, government shutdowns, international banking scandals. Remember back when you went on Facebook for fun?

I like to know what’s going on in the world. And I’m open to hearing anyone’s opinion. But I’d prefer my Facebook news feed to give me more of the stories I like—the inspirational, uplifting spiritually fulfilling stories that the readers of Guideposts, Angels on Earth and Mysterious Ways love to share with us.

That’s why I recently started building a Facebook list of inspirational bloggers, publications and others who frequently share spirituality and faith on their Facebook pages. It’s a work in progress; I’m adding and deleting sources every day to create a news feed that highlights positive people and the wonders of this world.

You can check out and follow my list here: 50 Religious, Spiritual & Inspirational Bloggers and Publications. I’d love to hear about the people you read regularly for their positivity and spiritual wisdom. If I agree, I’ll add them to my list!

You can make your own list too. All you need to do is click “Add Interests” in the lower part of the left-hand column of your Facebook homepage, and then click the “Create List” button. You can add any of the pages you already “Like,” such as Mysterious Ways, plus your inspirational friends and any other pages that lift you up. Once you create a list, popular stories from those sources will appear more often in your main Facebook news feed, and you can scroll through all their stories just by clicking on the list in the left-hand column at any time.

Now I can relax and unwind while using Facebook. Isn’t that the whole point?

Visit us on Facebook, and keep sending your true stories to us!

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