Inspired by Positive Thinking

Lives are touched and changed every day through words of hope and strength, faith and inspiration.

Outreach Ministries blogger Katie Allen Berlandi

For a long weekend each winter, my siblings and our families visit my mother in Florida. It is a slice of heaven to be in such a beautiful spot and to have family time doing only things for pleasure.

One treat I always look forward to is having a facial. I’ve been going to the same lovely woman for more than 10 years. She has a calmness, a centeredness, to be envied.

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Life, of late, has not been easy for her… a divorce, breast cancer and other physical struggles. Despite these challenges, she exudes peacefulness. This past visit, as I settled into my treatment, she asked me what I’d been doing, professionally and personally.

My work with Guideposts, Guideposts Foundation and its outreach programs was the first thing I told her about. “This is amazing!” she said. “Just this morning, I was reading The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and he mentions Guideposts magazine.” She explained that a dear friend had given her The Power of Positive Thinking, as it had changed his life. “It’s transformed my life, too,” she said.

“I don’t think I’ve ever told you,” I said, “but Norman Vincent Peale was my grandfather.”

She was overcome by the connection and felt lifted in a very special way because of how much The Power of Positive Thinking had inspired her. I left my facial feeling uplifted too, knowing how much a life had been touched by my grandfather. I was humbled, as Grandpa always was, to learn of someone so deeply impacted by his words.

On January 12 I had the honor of being interviewed by Bobby Schuller, the grandson of Dr. Robert Schuller, on The Hour of Power at Shepherd’s Grove, Bobby’s church in Southern California. Dr. Schuller was a dear friend and colleague of Grandpa Peale’s. Grandpa enjoyed a number of visits preaching at Dr. Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral and The Hour of Power.

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The interview was such a wonderful experience. (You can read the entire transcript here.) I bonded with Bobby over being grandchildren of old friends and influential ministers in the world of inspirational thought and faith. It was also a valuable opportunity for me to share news about Guideposts and Guideposts Foundation and its outreach programs. The Hour of Power is aired on television worldwide. What a gift for me, via Bobby’s gracious invitation, to have the chance to bring Grandma and Grandpa’s timeless messages of positive thinking and inspiration and God’s love, as well as the good work of the company and foundation they began, into another life or two.

Lives are touched and changed every day through words of hope and strength, faith and inspiration. I was reminded of this impact by my lovely facialist in Florida. What a treat that was for me, even more than usual.

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