God’s Reward Program

God instructs us to honor our mothers; the reward is that we will live well and have a long life.

Prayer blogger Peola Hicks

Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. (Ephesians 6:2-3)

Several years ago I was talking to a colleague who told me that she was finished with her Christmas shopping. I was shocked because it was so early in the year and I had not even begun shopping.

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She explained that she had shopped with her rewards points. I immediately contacted my credit card company. Because of my previous spending history, they gave me over 50,000 reward points, and I was elated.

As I was searching for scriptures to celebrate Mother’s Day, I discovered that the offering of rewards did not originate with credit cards. God instructs us to honor our mothers; the reward is that we will live well and have a long life. This is such an important issue that it is recorded in the Bible more than once. To honor our mothers is to be respectful in our actions, attitudes and words. It is to recognize the authority they have in our lives. When we become adults, we tend to think that we have outgrown honor, but we are never too old to give honor to whom honor is due.

Jesus honored his earthly parents. In Luke 2:51 it is said that Jesus submitted to his parents and his mother treasured all these things in her heart. When we honor our mothers, it makes their hearts rejoice, and lifts their countenance.

Prayer Point: Mother’s Day is a great day to honor our parents, but it leaves 364 other days in the year. Pray each day to have a memorable thought about your mom. If they are no longer here, you can pause and thank God for them, and that also is a form of honor.

Pray that not only on special days, but every day, we are willing to bring joy to our mothers’ hearts and glorify God through our obedience to his word.

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God bless you!

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