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The Enduring Miracle of Good Health

Celebrate being blessed with good health. It’s so miraculous that we don’t even notice it, so miraculous we forget about it.

Prayer blogger Rick Hamlin and his friend Ray

Give thanks for good health. It’s so easy to pray when you’re sick. It’s the first thing I do. God, I feel awful. Make me well!

Not for nothing is Jesus referred to as the Great Physician. Healing was crucial to his ministry. Again and again in the gospels we see him getting rid of diseases, “casting out demons,” as it was often expressed. No reason you shouldn’t talk to God when you feel rotten. “Heal me,” we pray.

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But if you’re blessed with good health, as most of us are most of the time, celebrate. Good health is just one of those enduring miracles. So miraculous that we don’t even notice it, so miraculous we forget about it.

So put your health on your list of things to be thankful for. You might have an ache or two you’re leaving in God’s good hands, but also give him some praise for all those other things that are going right with your body and soul. That good night’s sleep, that satisfying meal, that invigorating walk, the nerves that let you feel the warmth of the sun and that hug from your best friend. You’ve got a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday? Bracket it with praise for your good health the rest of the week. Put it on the calendar.

Twenty years ago my friend Ray and I happened to have the same surgery on the same day for the removal of a tumor at the same place. I won’t go into the gory details except to say that both of our tumors turned out to be benign and we both carry little scars behind our ears, mine on the left, his on the right, a mirror image of each other.

So what do we do every spring on the anniversary of our surgery? We celebrate our good health. Here we are this year, two guys who have a lot to be thankful for. Just ask us.

Got an ailment? Got some aches and pains? Worried about a diagnosis? Waiting for the results of that most recent test? Let me pray with you and for you. The rest of the time, let me also join you in giving thanks for the enduring miracle of our good health. It’s a lot to celebrate.

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  • Book 8: A Glorious Light
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