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Prayer in Troubled Times

It can seem like there is no place to turn, but there is. Hope is never beyond reach.

Peola J. Hicks

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Where can we turn in troubled times? That is a question many people ask, especially when they are praying for children or loved ones who have turned to drugs and alcohol to relieve their pain.

We have been praying for a colleague’s child who has been in and out of rehabilitation. She was doing well for a short season, but somehow was tempted once again. It is hard to tell what triggers the dependency, but it is always heartbreaking. I can imagine that it is a struggle, especially when the mind says no but the body craves the drug.

Many people experience some victory in treatment but fail to change their environment. This contributes to the struggle to attain and sustain the desired end.

From what I understand, drug use and abuse is a complex disease and after a while the brain adapts to it. It can seem like a normal part of a person’s life, even though it is so very destructive. It can seem like there is no place to turn, but there is. Hope is never beyond reach.

Prayer is needed in troubled times. It is a comfort to loved ones and families who have tried everything possible to help those trapped in the drug-use cycle. The scriptures speak continual hope in the midst of difficult situations. Life does not always make sense; neither does it offer easy answers. Yet there is power in calling upon the Lord to help us in our time of need.

There is no problem that is out of God’s reach, which means that we should never give up on praying for others to recover from drug use and walk in ultimate freedom. We believe it so much that we are calling upon thousands of volunteers to join us in praying for your friends and family on July 1 for the Addiction and Recovery Day of Prayer.

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Prayer Point: Your friends and family are not alone. God is faithful and has called many intercessors to stand with you in prayer. You will never know the power of prayer unless you pray. Submit your prayer requests and join us to pray for recovery from drug addiction for those you love. God can make a way of escape.

God bless you!

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