Living an ‘Angels on Earth’ Story

A flock of friends–and angels?–comes to help find a missing ring.

Lost and found. Photo by, Thinkstock.

Today's guest blogger is Meg Belviso, an Angels on Earth editor.

I was just about to start typing when I noticed something wrong with my hands. My ring! I thought. It’s missing!

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Lost and found. Photo by, Thinkstock.I searched my desk. Nothing. Maybe I forgot to put it on this morning. But no, I would have noticed that when I put on hand lotion earlier. It had to have fallen off, but where?

It wasn’t on my chair or under my desk, or inside a glove. I rushed off to the ladies’ room. It wasn’t on the sink. That left one possibility: It slipped off when I was drying my hands, and I’d thrown it away.

I dragged the tall wastebasket out from under the sink, pulled out the garbage and started sifting through soggy paper towels. As I worked, other people came into the bathroom–all of whom, as it happened, worked for Guideposts. Nobody asked me what I was doing. It was obvious I’d lost something. They just watched.

For a second I thought I saw it–but no, I was imagining things. If only I was in one of our Angels on Earth stories, I thought. We have a whole feature about angels helping people find lost items. But I wasn’t in an Angels story.

Focus! I told myself. And when I did, I saw it–for real! I pulled my ring out of the bag and waved it in the air. Everyone clapped. It turned out they hadn’t just been watching at all, of course. They were praying. Looks like I was in an Angels story after all!

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