Just Because He Loves Me

Does God care about little details like a skin care product? Yep!

Does God care about skin care cream? Photo by taratata, Thinkstock.

Sometimes God provides unlikely things for us. I love it when He answers my seemingly insignificant prayers and does it in a way that there’s no other explanation but Him.

I mean, who would think that God cares about little details like a skin care product? But He does. Let me tell you how I know that.

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I have really bad allergies and I have to be careful about what I use on my skin–especially my face–or I’ll break out in an allergic reaction like welts or an itchy red rash. It’s sometimes quite a process as I try to find new products, and when I find one that works for me I stick with it.

Dipping into some skin care cream.That works great until the company discontinues it, and I have to start all over again. That’s what happened about five years ago. After repeated experiments and failures, I finally found a moisturizer that left my skin feeling great. It wasn’t highly scented and it didn’t cause any other problems with my allergies.

When I saw that it was going to work, I went back to the discount department store and bought the rest of what they had in stock so I was set for a number of months.

I was a little worried because I knew this moisturizer (made in Israel) wasn’t carried in a lot of places–and a jar only lasted about a month. I’d never seen it at another of our local stores. The $19.99 price at the discount store was far less than the $49.99 price that I found online.    

I’m in that discount store quite often, and I always veered by the make-up department to see if they had any more in stock. They didn’t. As my stockpile dwindled, I made more frequent trips, hoping I’d see some magically appear on the shelves. But it wasn’t there.

So as I began the last container, I prayed and said, “God, you know how much trouble I’ve had finding a moisturizer that wouldn’t bother my allergies. I’m almost out and I really hate to waste all that extra money by buying it online. Could you please help the store to get more in before I run out?”

I calculated the point where I’d have to order the moisturizer online in order to get some before I ran out. I visited the store two weeks from that time. Nothing was there. One week before. Again, there was nothing on the shelf.

But when I walked down the aisle of the make-up department two or three days before I’d have to place the order at the expensive online price, I discovered my moisturizer sitting on the shelf. For the first time in months–and just as I needed it.

And that wasn’t all. There was enough to last me for about a year. Not only that, it was $5 cheaper per container.

I can’t tell you how precious that was to me–how loved that made me feel that the God of the universe cared about this little thing that was important to me. But that’s not the end of the story.

You see, that same scenario happened again the next year–within days of when I’d run out of moisturizer. And it happened again the next year. And the next. Yes, I’m entering the fifth year of God’s provision, and I have enough containers to last me until next year. And it always arrives just as I need it.

Sweet friends, do you have a need today? Ask Him for what you need. The God that loves us so much that He gave His beloved Son for us cares about what matters to His children–even if it’s just a container of moisturizer.

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Tried and proven.         

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us. (I John 5:14)

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