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New Life at Easter

Every Easter when I see a newborn chick (or bunny, or lamb), I still get the same feeling of awe and joy. This is a brand new life, a miracle of God’s creation!

Hands cradling a baby chick. Photo Pixabay.

I was eight or nine. The fresh green aroma of hay filled the barn as I stood peering into a wooden nesting box beneath a glowing heat lamp. Growing up in Vermont, I had many opportunities to spend with farm animals. This was my first time witnessing the wonder of a baby chick hatching.

I still go through the same emotions as I did when I was a young girl, thinking about this miraculous event. First, there’s anticipation. The tiny beak within pecks at the shell. It makes such a tiny crack. It seems to take forever. The chick pecks then rests, regrouping to peck again. The crack widens.

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Then, amazement. The chicken finally emerges from the egg.  So much effort to start its new little life!

Next, a bit of disappointment. The newborn chick is not what I expect. Wet feathers stick to bare, pink flesh. Dark patches encircle closed eyes. It collapses at an awkward angle, and I worry.

Now, joy. It moves! It’s alive! It lifts its head. Soon the chick is standing, the feathers are drying. There is hope in this new life, and the beauty ahead.

We may go through the same emotions in our relationship with the Lord:

Anticipation–what is ahead? Will our path be rocky or smooth? How will He work in our life? 

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Amazement–He is there for us! He brings things together in powerful ways! Our prayers are answered!

Disappointment—what’s going on? This isn’t what I wanted. Life is difficult.

Joy—in everything, there is hope. In the good and the bad, there is God. We can do all things, because of Him.

Every Easter when I see a newborn chick (or bunny, or lamb), I still get the same feelings of awe and joy. This is a brand new life, a miracle of God’s creation!

And through this mushy, heart-melting love of springtime baby animals, I am reminded of the promise of new life through Him.

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