A Little Child Shall Lead Them

A grandmother is moved by her little granddaughter’s entreaty to others about coming to church. Have you invited others to attend church recently?

Michelle's granddaughter, Anna, loves to encourage others to come to church.

Sometimes God allows us to see the answers to our prayers, and those are really cool times. My daughter-in-law shared last week about one of those moments that involved my little granddaughter. Anna is five. She’s Grandmama’s girl, sweet as sugar, and she melts my heart.

She’s always been extra special to us because we prayed for seven long years for God to send a baby to her mama and daddy. You can imagine how much joy it brought us when God loaned her to our family.

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All of our grandchildren are precious to us, and Paul and I count it a privilege and responsibility to pray for our six little blessings. We pray about many things for them—for God to keep them safe, for their health, and for all of them to accept Jesus when they’re old enough to understand.


My prayer list for them is long, and I’m already praying ahead for teachers and friends who won’t steer them away from God when they start school and for the parents who are raising the spouses God will have for them one day.

One of my constant prayers for my grandbabies is that they will always have tender hearts for God. So when Lydia shared what happened with Anna last week, it brought tears to my eyes as I realized God was already answering that prayer in her little life.

Anna has played on a four-and-five-year-old girl’s ball team this spring. (And, yes, it’s been a hoot to watch!) Her church had vacation Bible school last week, and at one of her last ballgames, Anna was so excited to hand out invitations to everyone to attend. She couldn’t wait to see them there!

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But nobody came.

Lydia said that at the end of the week, Anna sat on her daddy’s lap and sobbed because none of her friends came to church.

I can’t tell you how that touched me. It blessed me to hear about that tender heart I’ve prayed for so many times. It hurt me that my sweet girl was sad, but even more it squeezed my heart to know that she was weeping over her friends because she so wanted them to come to church with her. Oh, how that touched me…and convicted me.

When’s the last time we invited somebody to church? When’s the last time we wept because they didn’t come?

…and a little child shall lead them. (Isaiah 11:6)

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