How to Trust God in Times of Stress

Guideposts blogger Michelle Medlock Adams learns an important lesson about how to trust God as she stresses over a presentation: If she does her part, God will do His.

How to trust God in times of stress.

I had been studying for several days, trying to prepare for a women’s retreat where I’d be speaking over the weekend, and nothing was coming together. I’d write a few thoughts, look up a few scriptures, pray for guidance, and still it all seemed flat to me.

I was worried.

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I texted several of my prayer warrior friends, asking them to agree with me in prayer that everything would come together in time for the retreat. I specifically said, “I just want everything I say and do to point these women to the Cross.”

Still, I felt like I was hitting a wall. Though I had all of my talks outlined, researched and ready to present, I was feeling unsure of myself. I started down the road of “what if?”

What if my talks are void of power? What if the ladies are not receptive to them? What if God doesn’t show up? What if…

I had to step away from the computer for a bit and regroup. I was about to have a full-on Michelle meltdown, and those are never good. So, I put on my Nikes and headed out for a brisk walk. Exercise always clears my head. Plus, it was an unusually warm day in November, so I thought I’d take advantage of the sunshine and warmth.

As I was walking through my neighborhood, praying with every step, I heard that still small voice whisper, “Look up.”

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

I was literally stopped in my tracks. There, directly above my head, was a huge white cross. It looked like an airplane that writes messages in the sky had created a cross against the beautiful blue backdrop—just for me.

Message received.

I immediately felt a sense of peace overwhelm me. It was as if God was saying, “I got this. I’ll use you to point people to the Cross…you do your part, and I’ll do Mine.”

I learned a very important lesson that afternoon. It’s not our job to make everything happen. That’s God’s job. All we have to do is our part, and He will always do His. I quit thinking of all the negative “what if” scenarios, and I started meditating on the positive ones: What if God shows up in a big way? What if many women find hope and healing this weekend? What if miracles happen in our midst?

I want to encourage you today that no matter what you’re facing, just look up. He has got this! Just trust Him (that’s your part) and He will do His!

Pray this with me: Father, thank You for being so faithful and always doing Your part. Help me, Lord, to be courageous and steadfast enough to do mine. I trust You with every part of my life. Use me today and every day to point people toward the Cross. In the Mighty Name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.

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