Hit the Reset Button for Your Life

Guideposts blogger and granddaughter of Norman Vincent Peale, Katie Allen Berlandi, is inspired by some of his quotes to hit the resent button and come up with 5 resolutions for the New Year.

Quotes from Norman Vincent Peale inspire his granddaughter to come up with 5 New Year's resolutions.

This is that time of year of new beginnings, new starts. People make all sorts of resolutions, whether it’s to try a new diet or work out at the gym or change a personal habit. But as one of my students said in class yesterday, “I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. I think we should be focused on doing those things all year long.”

I must say I am with him on this, but we all need a reset button, a time to take stock and reframe. Perhaps we should have a New Year every quarter. My grandfather, Norman Vincent Peale, had some good ways of putting it. Here are just a few:

  • “Since the New Year will not be any newer than you are, make up your mind that you are going to be new.”
  • “Eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty marvelous hours are waiting for you this year. My prayer is that each one will bring you closer to God.”
  • “Be willing to give yourself, and there will be new life for you in this New Year and in every year.”

There seem so many ways of looking at things with new eyes. There was a message from our school chaplain about being open to life’s epiphanies, those moments of clarity we experience. And a friend shared a meditation about shedding our regrets and hurts while sharing our inner goodness and light with others.

Each of us has the opportunity to take what we hear and read and translate it into action. We can shift through our beliefs, our convictions and desires.

So here is my New Year’s resolution–to be open as possible to the inspirational messages that will help me, knowing that there will be plenty of times when I feel blocked by a long to-do list, lack of sleep and too many demands on my time.

I think I can summarize what I wish to focus on in five simple statements:

1)  If I give joy, it will come back.

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2)  My worries can be released.

3)  Any detour can be seen as a opportunity.

4)  Remarkable achievements all began as thoughts.

5)  New learning is always there, waiting for me to embrace it.

Happy New Year!

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