Help for Wounded Veterans

For wounded veterans and their families, here are 3 organizations that can help cope with pain and distress.

3 organizations that help wounded military veterans.

Today’s guest blogger is Barbara Latta.

Wiping tears from my eyes, I watched returning military veterans reunited with their families at an airport after months of rehabilitation from severe wounds received in Afghanistan. The crowd applauded. Family hugs were long and tight. Small flags waved in the hands of airport patrons who watched the reunions with gladness.

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But the excitement of a reunion wears off. The family settles down back home, and the wounded veteran still needs help. This person has endured physical and emotional trauma sustained during battle. The entire family needs help reconnecting and supporting each other.

Too many veterans are being lost to suicide and marriages are crumbling due to emotional stress from the tragedies of war. The following organizations provide spiritual and emotional restoration to those who feel there is no hope.

1)  Operation Heal Our Patriots (sponsored by Samaritans Purse)
Spiritual, physical and relationship issues are addressed while couples stay at a wilderness lodge in Alaska. Support is extended to families even after returning home to keep the healing process intact. Find out more at

2)  Operation Warrior RECONnect (sponsored by the Roever Foundation)
Dave Roever is a Vietnam veteran severely wounded when a phosphorus grenade exploded in his hand. He is committed to helping other military members return to living free from painful memories. Visit Dave at

3)  All Things Possible Ministries (sponsored by Victor Marx)
Victor Marx is a survivor of child abuse dedicated to helping those in all walks of life who are hurting. His ministry has produced a movie, “Triggered,” distributed to military bases all over the world to assist those suffering from PTSD. You can view a trailer at as well as find links to other resources.

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We cannot repay those who put their lives on the line so we can all be free. Traumatic events not only affect the veteran but the family as well. We can all do something to help ease their pain.

If you or someone you know needs help healing in any area of life, please do not wait to find help. Any of these ministries have resources to direct those who are hurting back to a life of freedom and victory.

Barbara Latta is the wife of a Navy veteran and the mother of two sons who are Army and Air Force veterans. Her blog, “Navigating Life’s Curves,” can be found at

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