How to Use Time Wisely

If you’re having trouble prioritizing your time, ask yourself this one important question.

How to manage your time with one important question

Recent tragic events in the news have reminded me about the importance of the people in my life. Actually more than that—the importance of making time for the people in my life. 

These days we’re busier than ever. Our precious time is sought from every angle—social, spiritual, career, family. It often feels like a losing battle. 

extraordinary women of the bible

As part of a military family, I’m all too aware that we’re not promised tomorrow with those we love. So when the chaos of the world closes in, I’ve learned how to focus on what’s important. I ask myself one question: Will I regret choosing this over that?

Read More: 5 Reasons I’m Grateful to Be in a Military Family

I’ve discovered something interesting when I ask that question. Almost always, this is about spending my time on a thing, a duty or an action. While that turns out to be about spending my time on a person. 

My time dilemma is really a choice between investing in relationships that matter versus checking off items on my to-do list. 

That revelation has cleared away a lot of confusion, and it determines how I’ll spend my time and with whom. 

I have a pretty good role model, too. God has always valued our relationship with Him over anything we can do for Him.

Read More: How to Give Our Troops Hope and Inspiration

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. (Zephaniah 3:17, NLT)

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