Simple Ways to Feel Better

How to improve your relationship with God in simple steps.

Simple steps to feel better spiritually.

Back when my children were babies, I had a mental checklist for when they were crying. Hungry? Tired? Dirty diaper? Pain somewhere? Remembering these four most-likely problems usually resolved the tears without worry.

I think there’s a parallel in the spiritual life. Last weekend found myself feeling cranky and blue. It was the sort of mood that makes me growl around, not even wanting to pray my way out. That afternoon I took a nap. Lo and behold, I felt a whole lot better.

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A bit later I went for a long walk, then I ate a well-balanced supper. I drank plenty of water throughout the day, because it was hot. By evening I was feeling almost back to normal. And it struck me that if I take care of these four basic physical needs–sleep, exercise, a decent diet, and hydration–it actually improves my relationship with God.

Read More: 6 Ways to Pray While You Exercise

Think about it: All relationships suffer when we don’t get enough sleep. All relationships suffer when we don’t burn off stress with exercise. We think better when our bodies are well-nourished than when they are filled with junk. And staying well-hydrated keeps us from being sleepy and bleary-headed.

All in all, the odds are good that our prayer lives will be healthier and that we will be more open to the Holy Spirit if were take care of these basics. It’s that “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” thing.

My prayers are less likely to bog down in, “I’m so exhausted, Father” when I have taken care of my physical needs. I don’t spend as much time begging, “Lord, help me feel less stressed” if I am doing what I can to reduce the stress.

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It’s my job to take care of my body. When I do that, it’s easier to look after my soul as well.

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