Angels Escort a Loved One to Heaven

A moving story from a Guideposts reader about angels escorting a loved one to heaven.

Angels escort a loved one to heaven.

I love to look through our online submissions to Guideposts‘ family of magazines. Angel lovers won’t want to miss this one, from Paul Silway of Chinchwad City, Pimpri, Maharashtra. 

His phrase “homegoing angels” was new to me, and one I won’t forget. He also included a drawing, see below, “The Anticipation and Joy of Going Home.” Thank you, Paul, for this comfort to all of us:

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

A Vision

My relative was in her own bed at home when the appointed time of Our Father arrived. Her physical body was deteriorating rapidly after several strokes. I was sitting beside her on her bed with my left hand under her pillow, holding up her head so she could breathe a little easier. While doing this, I saw two Homegoing Angels take a position at the head of her bed.

Then, two of her Guardian Angels came to the left side of her bed and two to the right side of her bed. I could tell that her breathing had become very shallow and weak. Then very suddenly, I saw the six Angels by her bedside become very bright with light. And then very suddenly, I watched the six Angels shoot up and out of the bedroom through the ceiling like bolts of lightening. When I looked back at her, I did not see her physical body take another breath.

Drawing by Paul Silway

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