The Greatest Hashtag of All

What is the most popular hashtag on social media? Hint: It makes the world go round.

The greatest hashtag of all.

Love makes the world go round. And here’s some love-ly news to make you smile today: #Love was the most popular hashtag of 2016 on Instagram.

Not only that, but #love was Instagram’s number one hashtag last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. When I looked up #love on Instagram to check out its popularity for myself, more than 967 million posts popped up. Nine hundred and sixty seven million!

Check Out Mysterious Ways on Instagram

The dominance of love on Instagram is being touted by some as a sign of hope. Self magazine called it “a pretty sweet thing to focus on in an increasingly-bleak news cycle.”

Perhaps it’s not surprising that love would reign supreme on social media. After all, we use the word “love” in so many different ways. “God is love!” “I love my family!” “I love French fries!” (I’ve said and thought all three of those statements many, many times.)

But I think the world needs a little reminder now and then, especially in the midst of all the craziness of life, that love is still a force to be reckoned with. It doesn’t dull or fade over time. It’s powerful, even in written form.

And, yes, even as a hashtag.

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What about you? Which word defined your 2016?

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