What to Do When Things Come to an End

What word of advice would you give to others who are experiencing the end of an era in their life?

When things come to an end.

After 174 years of ministry, my friend’s church is closing. This is a difficult and painful process for the members and pastor who have to accept that the congregation’s best years are in the past. This doesn’t mean that they don’t care for one another or enjoy worshipping together. But that the congregation dwindled down and doesn’t have the resources, leadership or energy to run efficiently as it once did. The good news is that they donated the building to another local church, allowing ministry to carry on inside its walls.  

We like to believe that all good things can last forever, but change is inevitable. A former work colleague of mine decided to close her business after five years. It took a lot of courage for her to start the company–and to end it. 

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The day she closed up shop, she asked herself, who am I? What am I? The business was her passion; she worked day and night. Not only do companies come to a close, but so can relationships, jobs and much more. These eras coming to an end can cause us to feel loss, grief, relief, joy, and more, but it is part of life.


The wise sage in Ecclesiastes said it well, “for everything there is a season.” I like to envision it as the opening and closing of a door. Everyone has their own term or metaphor for referring to when things come to an end, and all must learn to deal with it in their own way.

For many of us it is our Faith in God that helps us get through these times of transition. Prayer becomes the sacred place to express our emotions, hopes and find inner strength. In most cases we come to accept the changes and find a renewed vision. 

What word of advice would you give to others who are experiencing the end of an era in their life? Please share with us.

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Lord, carry us through these expected and unwanted endings in life; help us to be open to change and new opportunities.

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