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The Gift of Best Friends

Best Friends Day is June 8. Celebrate friendship.

My flower beds would be bare were it not for the beautiful irises given to me by some very important women in my life: double-blooming purple ones from Grandma Marge; statuesque white beauties from Marinan, my mother’s best friend; petite lavender blooms from Bonnie, the president of the neighborhood garden club; and bearded golden blossoms from Nana, my husband’s grandmother.

Every few years in the fall, I thin the irises out and pass on the rhizomes. These are the underground stems that send out roots and shoots when planted. This year, I’ll give some starters to a neighbor up the street who admired my flowers last spring. I’ll give a few more to a young couple I know from church who just bought a house; the iris will bloom in time to commemorate the first year in their new home. And I’ll set aside a few for my best friend, Kelly, who loves irises as much as I do.

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The women who helped me start my garden have all passed away. But every spring, their generosity brings beauty to my world.

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