Waiting Out Rejection

How faith can help you cope with rejection

How faith can help you cope with rejection

A sweet writer friend sent me an email recently. She said words to the effect of “I need encouragement,” having been rejected by a publisher about a book proposal. It was her third rejection.

I so understand that pain. Anyone in our industry quickly comes to realize that rejections are a way of life. Even New York Times bestselling authors still get them. I’ve joked that I’m going to wallpaper my office with publisher rejection notices. But as the years pass, I’ve also come to realize that those rejections are a badge of honor. They mean I haven’t quit.

My friend hasn’t been at this for many years. She’s an amazing writer with fresh ideas and a huge heart for God. I have no doubt that someone wise will snatch up her book ideas when His timing is right. 

Perhaps some of you are also experiencing rejection—whether it’s on the job, in your relationships or for some big dream you have on your heart. So how do we evict this unwanted guest who arrives to stomp on our hearts and emotions?

Maybe what I told her might be an encouragement for you today, too:

I’m sorry, my friend. Okay, put your right hand on your left shoulder. Now put your left hand on your right shoulder. Squeeze. There’s my hug.

Now down to my sweet-as-sugar tough love. Did God call you to be successful or did He call you to be faithful? We both know the answer to that. As it says in Proverbs 21:31, your job is to get the horse ready for battle. God’s job is to win the battle. This was obviously not the place for your book—because God must have a better place. I know it’s hard, but you cannot quit.

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I’ve been beating on doors and begging for the funding of my movie project for seven long years. Rejection after rejection after rejection. Someone asked me when I was going to quit trying. I told her, ‘When God says I can quit.’ He has not said that to you.  

Now you pick yourself up and dust yourself off. I believe in you. I know your book contracts are going to happen. I love those books! And then we’re going out to celebrate with the biggest cupcakes we can find … and some new bling … and maybe even a designer purse. Because I know it is going to happen—at God’s perfect time and with God’s perfect publishing choice for you.

Sweet friends, I don’t know what rejections you are facing today, but I’ve learned from experience that He’s the God who excels at impossible circumstances, and since He is for us, nobody can be against us. 

Just keep being faithful. 

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